Ex-Mineworkers Occupational Lung Disease (Old) Guide
The Minerals Council and its partners have recognised the challenges ex-mineworkers face in accessing healthcare and support services after leaving the industry.
In response, they developed the Ex-Mineworkers Occupational Lung Disease Guide, a resource outlining how to access healthcare programmes for both current and former mineworkers affected by OLD. Available in English, Xhosa, Sesotho, and Portuguese, the guide was launched on World TB Day, 24 March 2025.
Stop the Bleeding Campaign
Cancer Awareness Campaign
Mental Health Campaign
MPOX (previously named monkeypox) Campaign
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Campaign
WhatsApp tiles
Anti-smoking campaign
WhatsApp tiles
Mental Health Campaign 2023 Collateral
Mental Health Seminar
- Navigating a person post-traumatic stress and burnout disorder’s return to work PDF
- Mental health – The neglected pandemic PDF
- Managing mental health in the workplace PDF
- Mental health seminar building resilience – A superpower PDF
- The NSP and integrating Mental Health into primary health care PDF
- Mental Health as a Human Right – Legal aspects PDF
Masoyise satellite session: Sustainable responses to HIV, AIDS and TB in the world of work
- MHSC: South African mining industry’s framework in preventing and managing HIV, AIDS and TB PDF
- NDOH: Response of the world of work to the new NSP PDF
- ILO: Taking Masoyise beyond the mining industry and learning from other industries PDF
- Minerals Council: Launch of Masoyise 2023-2024 strategy PDF
World AIDS Day 2021 collateral
Masoyise case studies report 2021
Masoyise satellite session: Putting brakes on TB and HIV infections in the South African mining industry amid the COVID-19 pandemic
- Masoyise: Satellite session TB Conference (Virtual Seminar Programme)PDF
- Minerals Council: Welcome statementPDF
- Department of Mineral Resources and Energy: TB ConferencePDF
- Gold Fields - South Deep: Company share on sustaining TB/HIV response amid the COVID-19 pandemicPDF
- UNAIDS: New Commitments on HIV and TBPDF
- AMCU: Organised labour inputPDF
Masoyise 2020 Webinar: Reprioritising TB, HIV and NCDs in the era of COVID-19
- Webinar report: Reprioritising TB, HIV and NCDs in the era of COVID-19PDF
- Media release: Reprioritising TB, HIV and NCSA in the era of COVID-19, 16 October 2020PDF
- Media release: Masoyise Health Programme calls for reprioritisation of pre-existing occupational health threats in the era of COVID-19, 7 October 2020PDF